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All racing pigeons are ringed on one leg with life rings, each carrying an individual number which identifies the specific pigeon. The RPRA supplies GB rings to its members.

Stray Pigeons

Should you find a stray racing pigeon you can enter the ring number in our Stray Reporting Wizard and receive the owner’s contact details. Alternatively, if you open the bird’s wing, you may find – stamped on one or more feathers – the name and address and/or telephone number of the owner.

Ring Price Calculator

To work out the cost of buying rings we have provided a ring price calculator below. This shows the prices for GB25 original and show racer rings, which you may order by post with a cheque/postal order on this form or by calling the office on 01452 713529. Paid up RPRA members may also order GB25 rings through our online ordering system.

Rings are supplied in multiples of 0.